Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs 2 XBoost Review
Played it, Love it and Looking Forward to Get Good At It. Truly a Gundam eSports gem right here, just not so available to the masses “officially”.
Played it, Love it and Looking Forward to Get Good At It. Truly a Gundam eSports gem right here, just not so available to the masses “officially”.
The Ronin The Last Samurai Battle Logs journals my gameplay of the game and various tips I discovered. Hope It Helps!
When you just want a taste of being a samurai in medieval Japan and only have 15 minutes a day to play. Looks easy but hard to master.
Ever dreamed of opening a shop selling love potions or helping witches and warriors to get an unfair advantage in battle? Here’s your chance to become a Potion Craft Alchemist!
Looking to brush up some skills in Shop Management in a medieval setting? Look no further than Shop Titans – a Free To Play mobile / PC game. Be warned it can be quite addictive!